"Obama 'Strongly Supports' Chemical Overhaul Bill"
"The Obama administration said it “strongly supports” the bipartisan compromise chemical safety bill rolled out Monday and wants Congress to quickly pass it."
"The Obama administration said it “strongly supports” the bipartisan compromise chemical safety bill rolled out Monday and wants Congress to quickly pass it."
"Regulator admits risks but recommends Trudeau government approve project to ramp up shipping of tar sands crude via Salish Sea tribal fishing grounds".
"Michigan's two Democratic senators want the Department of Transportation to change the way it regulates oil pipelines crossing underneath the Great Lakes in order to raise the liability stakes should they break and cause a spill."
"More than five years after a tsunami struck Japan triggering one of the worst nuclear disasters in history, U.S. reactors and industry regulators haven’t done enough to prevent a similar catastrophe, a government-sponsored study found."
"ExxonMobil and others pursued research into technologies, yet blocked government efforts to fight climate change for more than 50 years, findings show".
"Environmental officials in six liberal states are warning that Congress is going too far in blocking states’ rights to regulate chemicals."
"The first genetically modified food animal has been approved for sale in Canada."
"The EPA announced new drinking water health advisory levels today for the industrial chemicals PFOA and PFOS. The new levels — .07 parts per billion (ppb) for both chemicals — are significantly lower than standards the agency issued in 2009, which were .4 ppb for PFOA and .2 ppb for PFOS."
"House and Senate negotiators reached agreement on Thursday on far-reaching legislation to overhaul the nation’s 40-year-old law governing toxic chemicals, a compromise that would subject thousands of household chemicals to regulation for the first time.
Public health advocates and environmentalists have complained for decades that the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act is outdated and riddled with gaps that leave Americans exposed to harmful chemicals. Under current law, around 64,000 chemicals are not subject to environmental testing or regulation.
"New report says genetically engineered crops are safe to eat but weed resistance and other unanswered environmental questions should be cause for more regulatory oversight."