Laws & Regulations

Beyond Fracking — Covering Injection Wells in Your State

 When dangerous liquid wastes are pumped into deep wells, it's the Safe Drinking Water Act's Underground Injection Control program that aims to keep the practice safe. But does it work? Our weekly TipSheet looks beyond fracking to other kinds of injection wells, and shows how you can track stories on the practice in your state.

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"In The Nevada Desert, Bundy Family Warns Of Another Standoff"

"BUNKERVILLE, Nev. — Less than a week after being acquitted at a trial over last winter’s armed occupation of an Oregon federal wildlife refuge, Nevada rancher Ryan Bundy said another protest action will be justified if President Obama goes ahead with plans to create a huge national monument abutting the Bundy family’s ranch here."

Source: Wash Post, 11/02/2016


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