Laws & Regulations

Utah Rep. Chaffetz Withdraws Bill To Transfer Federal Land To States

"Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) withdrew legislation Thursday that would have transferred 3 million acres of land from federal to state ownership, citing objections from constituents who complained that the move would limit access to public hunting and fishing grounds."

Source: Washington Post, 02/03/2017

Paint Companies Owe Oakland More Than $100 Million Over Lead

"Oakland is one of several California cities still waiting on more than $1 billion to pay for the removal of lead paint, which is threatening children’s health in neighborhoods such as Fruitvale. Even though a judge ruled in favor of Oakland more than two years ago, the money remains tied up in in the courts."

Source: East Bay Express, 02/02/2017

"EPA Illegally Yanked Mercury Rule After Trump Inauguration: Lawsuit"

"As U.S. President Donald Trump takes aim at what he considers an excess of federal regulations, a new lawsuit accuses the Environmental Protection Agency of illegally rescinding a rule to reduce the discharge of mercury from dental offices, mere hours after Trump took office."

Source: Reuters, 02/02/2017

Lawmaker Wants To Ease Rules On Drilling In Natl Parks. Enviros Gripe

"It’s safe to say that Rep. Paul A. Gosar (R-Ariz.) is no friend of environmentalists. He boycotted Pope Francis’s speech to Congress in 2015 because the pontiff addressed climate change. ... But his latest move came as a surprise to many."

Source: Washington Post, 02/02/2017


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