Laws & Regulations

"Natural Gas Building Boom Fuels Climate Worries, Enrages Landowners"

"They landed, one after another, in 2015: plans for nearly a dozen interstate pipelines to move natural gas beneath rivers, mountains and people's yards. Like spokes on a wheel, they'd spread from Appalachia to markets in every direction."

Source: NPR, 07/17/2017

Mount Polley Disaster Brought Quick Government PR Response: Documents

"In the hours after the 2014 Mount Polley mine disaster, authorities were already concerned laws had been broken and the premier’s office was worried fallout from the tailing pond breach would “get in the way” of other planned mines, documents provided to The Tyee reveal."

Source: The Tyee, 07/17/2017

Trump Admin Reduces Royalty Rates In First U.S. Oil, Gas Lease Sale

"The Trump administration on Thursday announced its first offshore oil and gas lease sale, offering 76 million acres (30 million hectares) in the Gulf of Mexico and reduced royalty rates for shallow-water leases to encourage drilling at a time of low oil prices."

Source: Reuters, 07/17/2017

"The Louisiana Environmental Apocalypse Road Trip"

"Louisiana serves as a terrifying example of what can become of a state that shortchanges science and environmental regulations to boost industry and infrastructure." "If you’re visiting New Orleans and want to see something truly amazing, take your beer or daiquiri to-go and walk a few blocks past the Superdome—you’ll find a school being constructed on an old waste dump."

Source: LongReads, 07/14/2017

Trump’s ‘Drill, Baby, Drill’ Energy Policies Met By ‘Sue, Baby, Sue’

"President Trump promised to grow jobs by rolling back Obama-era energy and pollution rules. And he’s fulfilling his pledge, but not how he intended. In just six months, Trump’s policies have resulted in a surge in employment — for environmental lawyers."

Source: McClatchy, 07/14/2017


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