Trump Appointee Bought Stock In Company That Contracts With Interior
After taking office in 2017 as a top Interior Department official, Doug Domenech bought stock in a mining company that does business with the agency.
After taking office in 2017 as a top Interior Department official, Doug Domenech bought stock in a mining company that does business with the agency.
"When oil companies drill offshore, they still need to build infrastructure onshore, things like pipelines and helicopter pads. And it's cities who control the zoning and building permits that allow that, not the federal government." That gives state and local governments a way to say no."
"Federal prosecutors yesterday filed an appeal that seeks to reinstate a criminal indictment against Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and two of his sons, arguing the case's dismissal last month "increases the risk of danger to federal officers executing their duties" on public lands."
"The two-year budget deal reached by congressional leaders would set up the biggest sale in history from the nation’s emergency oil stockpile."
"The budget deal that [passed early Friday morning] includes the one-year, retroactive renewal of a host of expired tax breaks." They included extension of tax breaks for renewable energy.
"House Democrats on Thursday called for $1 trillion in federal dollars for an infrastructure overhaul, a proposal that comes just days ahead of the announcement of President Trump’s long-awaited infrastructure proposal."
"The Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday released annual data about how it is enforcing the nation’s environmental laws, saying it had racked up nearly $5 billion in criminal fines and civil penalties, as well as significant commitments from companies to clean up contaminated sites around the country."
"U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Dearborn, has introduced legislation that would ensure all cosmetics marketed to children are proven asbestos-free, or else they must carry warning labels."
"276 Michiganians were ushered or barred from homes and other sites due to possible cancerous fumes. People were relocated from sites in Detroit, Grand Rapids and Sturgis, according to the state."
"A group of Democratic senators is demanding that Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt recuse himself from repealing one of President Obama's signature environmental rules, which is intended to curb the release of greenhouse gases from the nation’s power plants."