Laws & Regulations

"Trump Administration Wants Phase-In Of U.N. Rules On Maritime Fuel"

"The Trump administration wants pollution limits on ship fuels that a United Nations maritime agency will implement in 2020 to be phased in to protect consumers from any price spikes in heating and trucking fuels, a White House spokesman said on Friday."

Source: Reuters, 10/22/2018

"EPA Withdraws Proposed Obama-Era Rule Change For Uranium Mining"

"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on Friday it has withdrawn a regulation proposed in the last days of the Obama administration that aimed to tighten health and safety compliance rules for uranium miners."

Source: Reuters, 10/22/2018

"Endangered Species: FWS Recommends Shielding Some Records From Public"

"The Fish and Wildlife Service is recommending that staffers 'withhold' certain documents requested by the public on Endangered Species Act decisions in cases where the service can 'foresee harm' in future lawsuits challenging those decisions."

Source: Greenwire, 10/19/2018


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