Laws & Regulations

Trump Admin Following Most Of Manufacturing Group's "Wish List"

"Early in President Trump’s term, a powerful group of manufacturers delivered to his deputies a “wish list” of regulations they wanted rewritten. Two years later, the Trump administration appears to have largely followed through on those requests, according to a new report."

Source: Washington Post, 05/10/2019

"California Central Coast, Bay Area to Open for Drilling"

"A more than five-year moratorium on leasing land in California for oil and gas development will be coming to an end with a May 9 Interior Department plan to open up about 725,000 acres across the state’s Central Coast and the Bay Area for drilling."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 05/10/2019

"Bipartisan Agreement in House Would Extend Flood Insurance"

"The two top lawmakers on the House Financial Services Committee reached an agreement to extend the National Flood Insurance Program another four months, the 11th short-term extension of this financially troubled program in less than two years."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 05/10/2019

"Wild Olympics Plan Unveiled -- 126,000 Acres Proposed For Wilderness"

"A sweeping plan, carefully vetted on the Olympic Peninsula, would designate 126,000 acres of mountains and forests on the peninsula as wilderness and protect 19 streams under the federal Wild and Scenic Rivers Act."

Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 05/10/2019

Long-Polluting Western Maryland Paper Mill to Close, Ending Jobs

"Maryland environmental regulators were in talks with a Western Maryland paper mill about how to significantly reduce the facility’s output of a harmful pollutant when its owner shocked state officials last week by announcing plans to shutter the 131-year-old factory."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 05/10/2019


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