Laws & Regulations

"Trump’s EPA Threatens California With Highway Funding Cuts"

"The Trump administration is ratcheting up its threats against California with a letter warning the state faces sanctions – including cuts in federal highway funding – over its “failure” to submit complete reports on its implementation of the Clean Air Act."

Source: Sacramento Bee, 09/24/2019

As Fiscal Year Ends, Local Stories Often Found in Appropriations Bills

The politics of federal appropriations is convoluted, but buried within are important local environmental stories. Heading into the upcoming fiscal year, the latest TipSheet explains how the process works and where to find the news. Plus, spotting environmental pork barrel, and what a “minibus” bill is and why it matters.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Battle Over Fish Farming In Open Ocean Heats Up, As EPA Permit Looms

"Americans eat an average of 16 pounds of fish each year, and that number is growing. But how to meet our demand for fish is a controversial question, one that is entering a new chapter as the Environmental Protection Agency seeks to approve the nation's only aquaculture pen in federal waters."

Source: NPR, 09/23/2019

"BLM Headquarters Moves to Building Housing Oil Company Offices"

"The Bureau of Land Management is moving its headquarters to a building that houses offices for several oil and gas companies operating in Western Colorado, including Chevron USA, Inc., and the local branch of the Colorado Oil and Gas Association."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 09/23/2019

Interior Watchdog Probing Political Appointees' Review Of FOIA Requests

"The Department of Interior’s internal watchdog confirmed in letters to two lawmakers that they will review the involvement of the agency’s top officials in crafting agency’s public records process which allows political appointees to review and potentially withhold documents from release."

Source: The Hill, 09/23/2019

"23 States Sue Trump To Keep California’s Auto Emission Rules"

"California sued Friday to stop the Trump administration from revoking its authority to set greenhouse gas emission and fuel economy standards for cars and trucks, enlisting help from 22 other states in a battle that will shape a key component of the nation’s climate policy."

Source: AP, 09/23/2019

"EPA: Wheeler Signals Retreat From 'Secret Science' Rule"

"EPA is dropping plans to issue a final version this year of its divisive plan to limit the agency's use of scientific studies in crafting major new regulations, Administrator Andrew Wheeler indicated at a congressional hearing this morning [Thursday]."

Source: Greenwire, 09/20/2019


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