Laws & Regulations

"Oil Industry Cites Virus In Seeking Broad Pollution Waivers"

"The Environmental Protection Agency said Tuesday that it’s reviewing a request from the oil and gas industry to ease enforcement of hazardous air and water pollution and other regulatory issues during the coronavirus pandemic. The proposal is drawing objections from public health and environmental advocates."


Source: AP, 03/25/2020

"Minnesota Court of Appeals Sends PolyMet Permit Back to MPCA"

"The Minnesota Court of Appeals sent an air-emissions permit for the PolyMet copper-nickel mine back to state regulators for further review on Monday, giving another victory to environmental groups who oppose the project."

Source: AP, 03/24/2020

"Pandemic: House Democrats Push Greener Stimulus As Senate Talks Lag"

"Against a backdrop of a worsening public health crisis, cranky senators continued negotiations over a third phase of COVID-19 stimulus, as House Democrats injected climate change into the pandemic debate with their own relief package."

Source: E&E Daily, 03/24/2020

‘Nasty-Grams’ Return, Plus Wrangling Over FOIA Rules at EPA, Interior

In the second of a two-part return from hiatus recast as an opinion column from SEJournal Online’s Joseph A. Davis, WatchDog looks at freedom of information developments at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Interior. Plus, check out part one for more on the column relaunch and for background on open-information activities by the Society of Environmental Journalists, as well as a look at the lack of government openness around coronavirus.

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