Laws & Regulations

"Canada Gives BP Okay to Explore in Marine Conservation Area"

"Earlier this month, the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board accepted a bid from oil company BP to explore for oil and gas in an area that includes part of Atlantic Canada’s largest marine conservation area."

Source: Hakai, 12/02/2020

"Automakers Pledge To Work With Biden To Reduce Emissions"

"A group representing major automakers on Tuesday vowed to work with President-elect Joe Biden on efforts to reduce vehicle emissions even as the industry remains split over whether to let California set its own emission rules."

Source: Reuters, 12/02/2020

"Minnesota Gives Final Green Light To Disputed Oil Pipeline"

"Minnesota regulators approved the final permit Monday for Enbridge Energy’s Line 3 crude oil pipeline replacement across northern Minnesota, giving the company the green light to begin construction on the $2.6 billion project."

Source: AP, 12/01/2020

Federal System For Tracking Covid-19 Hospital Beds Gives Poor Data

As the nation's hospitals are being overwhelmed by coronavirus patients, the federal data system for tracking them, poleaxed this summer by the Trump administration, is giving inaccurate and unreliable data to officials trying to manage the crisis.

Source: Science, 12/01/2020


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