Laws & Regulations

April 14, 2011

Nuts and Bolts of Marcellus Shale Drilling and Fracking

Join an expert panel, hosted by Environmental Law Institute,  in a discussion of developments in Marcellus Shale, where the issues mirror those of other gas fields across the country, and stay tuned for the second installment on May 19, 2011, Policy Implications of Marcellus Shale Drilling and Fracking.

May 2, 2011

DEADLINE: USC Annenberg Mini Fellowship/Reporting Grant

Call for Applications! Based at USC's Annenberg School of Journalism, The California Endowment Health Journalism Fellowships offer professional journalists this opportunity to apply for an all-expenses-paid mini fellowship with $2,000-$10,000 reporting grant. Grantees spend the week of July 24 - 29, 2011 in Los Angeles. Students are ineligible. Apply by May 2, 2011.


March 29, 2011

The (Not So) New Executive Order on Regulatory Review, and What to Expect

The Environmental Law Institute invites you to join a panel discussion of the practical consequences of the regulatory EO; the process that will be used; environmental regulations and agencies expected to receive greater scrutiny; the role of Congress; and legal questions about the EO’s authority.

March 17, 2011

Designing Effective and Enforceable Catch Share Systems

 This session, part of the Environmental Law Institute's 2011 Ocean Seminar Series, experts will discuss some of the key issues and possible solutions related to NOAA's new policy encouraging adoption of catch share systems nationwide.


Supreme Court Strikes Down Misuse of FOIA 'Personnel' Exemption

In the case of Milner v. Department of the Navy, the court rejected an expansive interpretation of the FOIA exemption on personnel matters. And in another FOIA case decided March 1, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations do not have a right of personal privacy that can prevent the federal government from disclosing records about them.

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Proposed Rule for Power Plant Toxics Due March 16

The consent decree that established the March 16 release date also mandates that a final rule be published by Nov. 16, 2011 (nine years later than the deadline dictated by the Clean Air Act). Here are several tools you can use to get a handle on the power plants and their emissions in your audience area prior to release of the rule.

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Issa's Push on Homeland Security FOIA Raises Worries

The House Oversight Committee Chair's method of investigating whether DHS was politically screening its responses to FOIA requests has at least one member of his committee worried about the privacy of the FOIA requesters due to Issa's demand for specifics of information.

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