Laws & Regulations

"JPMorgan Chase Accused of Rigging Energy Markets"

"JPMorgan Chase developed schemes to sell electricity at falsely attractive prices in Michigan and California, according to The New York Times. The market manipulation could result in JPMorgan Chase receiving penalties from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission."

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 05/07/2013
June 10, 2013

A Summit on Private Environmental Governance: Facing the Challenges of Voluntary Standards, Supply Chains and Green Marketing

The conference will identify, for stakeholders across affected industries and NGOs, how sustainability initiatives, standard-setting, consumer protection and competition law work together in this important and rapidly developing area. Hosted by the Environmental Law Institute in Washington, DC.


"Ex-Official Guilty in Tainted Water Case"

"A federal jury didn't hear from prosecutors about toxic chemicals in the drinking water of south suburban Crestwood. Or about higher-than-normal cancer rates in the working-class village. But on Monday, the jury ensured that the only public official to stand trial in the tainted water scandal will be held accountable for a more than 20-year scheme to conceal the secret use of a Crestwood well — crimes uncovered by a 2009 Tribune investigation."

Source: Chicago Tribune, 04/30/2013
June 11, 2013 to July 16, 2013

ELI Summer School Series 2013

These seven FREE training sessions on environmental law are open to the public. Topics include NEPA, CAA, CWA, Land Use, Hazardous Waste, and Product Safety. Attend at the Environmental Law Institute in Washington, DC or via teleconference.


Small Cuts In EPA Air Grants Mean Big Headache for State Regulators

"At a glance, U.S. EPA's plan to cut an $11.5 million grant program in an effort to meet the sequestration mandate doesn't look like much given the agency's $8.5 billion budget. But that's a lot of money to state and local air regulators who have been counting on it."

Source: Greenwire, 04/25/2013


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