Natural Resources

Broken Promise: Database Helps Track Illegal Parkland Conversions

InvestigateWest's Robert McClure and Jason Alcorn explain how to spin the local angle about how parks built or improved with money from the Land and Water Conservation Fund are increasingly being illegally privatized or converted to something other than parks — including sharing their searchable database of almost 40,000 park grants.

SEJ Publication Types: 

SEJournal Spring 2013, Vol. 23 No. 1

In this issue: Special report on energy and climate change; first installment of new column 'Freelance Files' on goal setting; database helps track illegal parkland conversions; members cover sprawl, science and chickens; annual Sundance Film Festival report; and six book reviews.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Ameren Coal Ash Used as Mine Fill Near Ste. Genevieve"

"STE. GENEVIEVE, Mo. -- Ameren Missouri has spent the past four years engaged in a bitter fight with Labadie-area residents over a proposal to pile millions of cubic yards of coal ash on a plot of cropland by the Missouri River."

Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 04/01/2013


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