Journalism & Media

March 4, 2014

Society of Environmental Journalists NYC Meet-up

See of Environmental Journalists NYC for details.

Topics on the Beat: 

Finding Funders: A User’s Guide to Foundation-Backed Journalism

Public radio journalist Karen Schaefer shares how she pursued and won a grant, bumps in the road she overcame, lessons learned, and tips for unearthing funders. Photo: Schaefer on the job at a cow barn at Vander Made Farms near Sherwood, Ohio. Photo by Chris Kick, Farm and Dairy.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

Washington Post Science Section Reprints University Press Releases

The Washington Post, which over the years has set a standard for good science journalism, may be falling on hard times now that it has let so many of its reporters go. While still strong in original science reporting compared to many other daily newspapers in the U.S., the Post has taken to reprinting press releases from universities and science organizations. This has spawned questions about the transparency of the practice and the objectivity of what Post readers are reading.

March 1, 2014

DEADLINE: Street Trees Photo Contest

Submit your best street trees photo for the chance to win a $1,000 gift certificate.

Topics on the Beat: 

NOLA Readers Urge Tracking Spending of BP Spill Money, Gulf Restoration

"Keeping track of the billions of dollars to be spent on natural resources restoration projects in Louisiana and other Gulf Coast states in the aftermath of the BP oil spill was the top issue raised during an impromptu roundtable of environmental leaders in New Orleans this week."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 02/12/2014

"Oil Drillers Pay for Fracking Workshops for Teachers"

"A controversy flared in January when environmentalists learned that Radio Disney had joined with the Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program to tour elementary schools and science centers, teaching about the energy industry. They worried that the show sold children a positive image of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking — the process of pumping millions of gallons of water and chemicals underground to break rock to free oil and gas."

Source: Columbus Dispatch, 02/11/2014

Health Advocates Find Flame Retardant Fight Follows Familiar Formula

"When chemical companies hired Grant Gillham in 2007 to manage a campaign in defense of flame retardants in couches and other consumer goods, Gillham recalled being "assured that the scientific information they had supporting the safety and effectiveness of their products was valid."

Source: Huffington Post, 02/10/2014


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