
Federal Agencies Pose Information Roadblocks to Health Journalists

Environmental journalists are not alone in their frustrations with the federal officials who are supposed to help journalists get information about what government is doing. Now the Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ) has surveyed its members and found the federal government often blocks access to information that health care journalists seek.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

House Science Panel Probes EPA Unpublishing of Glyphosate Report

U.S. EPA on April 29, 2016, posted on its website the 2015 "final" report by its Cancer Assessment Review Committee on the widely used herbicide glyphosate, sold commercially by Monsanto as Roundup. But on May 2, the report vanished from the EPA site.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Confirmation That Zika Causes Microcephaly Shifts Debate To Prevention

"After several weeks of study and debate, U.S. health officials concluded that infection with the Zika virus during pregnancy causes the birth defect microcephaly, a finding that experts hope will refocus attention on efforts to stop infections and prompt U.S. lawmakers to fund emergency prevention efforts."

Source: Reuters, 04/14/2016
September 14, 2016 to September 16, 2016

8th International Conference on Children's Health and the Environment

This event in Barcelona, Spain will examine issues and solutions for multiple facets of children's health related to the environment.



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