‘Explosive’ Wildfires Already Out Of Control Months Before Fire Season
"'Wildfire season' seems to be a thing of the past for drought-stricken California, with fires now raging throughout the year."
"'Wildfire season' seems to be a thing of the past for drought-stricken California, with fires now raging throughout the year."
"It's Arbor Day, and some arborists in D.C. have a little more work to do thanks to a new website. It's called Get D.C. Trees and makes it easier than ever for residents to request new trees along their neighborhood streets."
"In drought-era California, does 'fire season' mean anything?"
"An iconic Alaska tree may warrant protection as a threatened or endangered species due to climate warming, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced Thursday."
"The U.S. Forest Service announced it will try to reinstate the exemption to Colorado’s roadless rule that allows coal mines to build roads in protected areas of Western Colorado. The exemption was struck down last summer by a federal court because the government failed to assess the impact of that future coal mining on climate change."
"RENO, Nev. -- Todd McNeal, chief of Twain Harte Fire and Rescue, spoke before his fellow firefighters and foresters last week with the tone of an evangelist. 'There is fundamental change that has occurred around us,' said McNeal, his voice rising to fill a dimly lit casino resort conference hall."
"A massive die-off of pine trees in the southern Sierra Nevada caused by beetles attacking drought-stressed trees is turning forests brown and creating a fire tinderbox."
"SAN LORENZO -- What are now seedlings will play a key role in an experiment that could be an environmental triple win -- improving water quality and protecting against sea level rise while providing wildlife habitat."
"The Amazonian rainforest has lost much of its ability to absorb climate-altering greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, scientists reported on Wednesday."
"St. Paul-based 3M Co, one of the world’s largest manufacturers and the maker of Post-it notes, will take new steps to ensure that its suppliers of paper, pulp and packaging provide materials that come from sustainably logged timber."