Fish & Fisheries

"EPA Proposes Strict Limits on Pebble Mine To Protect Salmon"

"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Friday said it intends to take extraordinary action to protect Bristol Bay’s world-class salmon runs and unparalleled natural habitat from destruction by the proposed Pebble mine. But the agency is stopping short of blocking the mine outright and instead is proposing caps on how many miles of streams and acres of wetlands could be lost."

Source: Alaska Dispatch News, 07/21/2014

"Ocean Acidification Could Be Creating Friendless Fish"

"Fish seem like chummy enough creatures, often schooling with fish they're familiar with to avoid predators and increase the chances of finding a mate. But as carbon dioxide levels rise worldwide, they could lose their ability to recognize each other, in effect becoming "friendless" wanderers who will hang out with just about anybody."

Source: CityLab, 07/04/2014


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