Environmental Politics

"U.S.: Disclose Fracking Chemicals on Public Land"

"The Obama administration said Thursday it will require companies that drill for oil and natural gas on federal lands to publicly disclose chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing operations. The new "fracking" rule replaces a draft proposed last year that was withdrawn amid industry complaints that federal regulation could hinder an ongoing boom in natural gas production.

Source: AP, 05/17/2013

"U.S. Advisory on Mercury in Fish Tied Up at Health Department"

"Updated federal advice on mercury levels in fish appears to have stalled within the U.S. department of health, frustrating scientists and advocacy groups who argue that exposure to mercury may be dangerous at lower levels than previously thought."

Source: Reuters, 05/16/2013

"Army Corps: Senators Reach Deal On WRDA Amendments"

"Two controversial amendments related to the National Flood Insurance Program will not be taken up as part of the Water Resources Development Act, which [was] on track for a final vote [Tuesday] evening after senators reached a last-minute agreement on amendments to be considered." [The Senate did not complete work on the bill Tuesday and will resume work Wednesday.]

Source: E&E News PM, 05/15/2013


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