Environmental Politics

"U.S. EPA Chief Hints at Softening Carbon Rule Interim Timeline"

"The Environmental Protection Agency said on Tuesday that it may ease an interim deadline for states to meet tougher carbon emission standards after regulators and electric utilities complained a lack of time may destabilize electricity supplies."

Source: Reuters, 02/18/2015

Pebble Mine in Alaska: EPA Becomes Target By Planning for Rare ‘Veto’

"Just north of Iliamna Lake in southwestern Alaska is an empty expanse of marsh and shrub that conceals one of the world’s great buried fortunes: A mile-thick layer of virgin ore said to contain at least 6.7 million pounds — or $120 billion worth — of gold."

Source: Wash Post, 02/17/2015

"The Cost of Clean Coal"

Mississippi Power, a subsidiary of the Southern Company, is building a so-called "clean coal" plant in Mississippi. The cost has ballooned from the original estimate of $1.8 billion to the current $6.17 billion (and counting). As the residents of rural Kemper County can tell you, that is just the beginning. It will strip mine lignite from 48 square miles of timber and pasture land.

Source: Grist, 02/13/2015


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