Environmental Politics

News Media Complaints About PIO "Minders" Won't Go Away

Washington Post reporter Paul Farhi has published a story detailing the unfolding of the Obama spin-control saga and the resulting uneasy standoff. Several SEJ members are mentioned, as is Tom Reynolds (pictured), Associate Administrator for EPA's Office of Public Affairs, who justified press office chaperoning of agency experts and portrayed the typical reporter as inexperienced and ignorant.

SEJ Publication Types: 

SEJ Appeals EPA Stonewalling of FOIA on Media Policy

The U.S. EPA has been stonewalling a June 2014 SEJ request for documents describing its policies for dealing with news media. Now SEJ is appealing the long delay in responding to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by calling it what it is — a denial of information.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Ted Cruz Equates 'Global Warming Alarmists' to 'Flat-Earthers'

"Ted Cruz, the junior U.S. senator from Texas and first official contender for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, compared people who think that the climate is warming to "flat-Earthers" and described himself as a modern-day Galileo in an interview with the Texas Tribune."

Source: Huffington Post, 03/27/2015


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