Environmental Politics

Environmental, Energy Riders Key in Capitol Hill's Budget Endgame

Environmental policy riders are one of the bones of contention stalling a massive omnibus funding deal in Congress as the December 11 government shutdown deadline looms.

"WASHINGTON — The bazaar is open on Capitol Hill as lawmakers rush through unfinished budget business.

Congress is trying to wrap up its work for the year and it's hoping to go out with a bang by passing a massive spending bill and a separate measure reviving a boatload of tax breaks that mostly reward business interests like high-tech firms and producers of renewable energy.

Source: AP, 12/09/2015

Is This Congressman's 'Oversight' An Effort To Hobble Climate Science?

"About 600 scientists and engineers, including former employees of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), have signed on to letters urging the head of that agency, Kathryn Sullivan, to push back against political interference in science."

Source: NPR, 12/07/2015

USDA Muzzles Scientist Who Probes Neonic Pesticide, RNA Interference

"Until fairly recently, Jonathan Lundgren enjoyed a stellar career as a government scientist. An entomologist who studies how agrichemicals affect the  ecology of farm fields, he has published nearly 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals ....  But recently, things have changed. His work has 'triggered an official campaign of harassment, hindrance, and retaliation' from his superiors, Lundgren alleged in an official complaint filed with USDA scientific integrity authorities last year."

Source: Mother Jones, 12/04/2015


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