"EPA Seeks Public Input On Trump's Regulatory Reform Agenda"
"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is searching for Obama-era regulations to repeal."
"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is searching for Obama-era regulations to repeal."
"EPA administrator declared an end to the government’s ‘war’ on coal in a speech to miners – an agenda that has been bitterly opposed by agency staff".
"Scottt Pruitt's statement puts him at odds with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, the former chief executive of ExxonMobil, and some major U.S. coal companies."
"The Trump administration has hit the pause button on an Obama-era regulation aimed at limiting the dumping of toxic metals such as arsenic and mercury by the nation’s power plants into public waterways."
"The Trump administration has proposed whacking the budget of the Environmental Protection Agency by nearly a third, eliminating thousands of employees and scrapping dozens of programs, including climate-change research and cleanup efforts in the Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay. But a detailed budget plan obtained by The Washington Post last week includes a request to add positions within the agency’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance 'to provide 24/7 security detail' for EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt."
"President Donald Trump may tap a vocal critic of climate change science to serve as the highest-ranking environmental official in the White House."
"U.S. EPA plans to repeal and replace the Clean Water Rule with two separate rulemaking processes, an EPA official told the Association of State Wetland Managers yesterday."
"The 'wellbeing of America and the American worker is my North Star,' President Donald Trump trumpeted at a recent White House event. But the Trump administration’s policies are already adversely affecting workers’ health by undermining occupational illness prevention — including for cancers, musculoskeletal disorders and respiratory diseases that afflict hundreds of thousands of U.S. workers."
"The Trump administration yesterday asked a federal court to toss a lawsuit challenging the president's requirement that agencies scrap two regulations for every new one created."
"Teaching material sent by Heartland Institute to thousands of teachers denies climate science, aims to teach a 'debate.'"
"Science teachers and legislators are fighting back after a conservative advocacy organization mailed false information on climate science to thousands of school science teachers nationwide.