Environmental Politics

"A Trump Policy ‘Clarification’ All But Ends Punishment for Bird Deaths"

"As the state of Virginia prepared for a major bridge and tunnel expansion in the tidewaters of the Chesapeake Bay last year, engineers understood that the nesting grounds of 25,000 gulls, black skimmers, royal terns and other seabirds were about to be plowed under."

Source: NY Times, 12/30/2019

Science Under Attack: How Trump Is Sidelining Researchers and Their Work

"In just three years, the Trump administration has diminished the role of science in federal policymaking while halting or disrupting research projects nationwide, marking a transformation of the federal government whose effects, experts say, could reverberate for years."

Source: NY Times, 12/30/2019

FERC Orders Grid to Restrict State-Backed Renewables in Its Market

"After more than a year of delay, the two-Republican majority at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has told mid-Atlantic grid operator PJM how it must revamp its $10-billion-per-year capacity market. And at first glance, it could be even more harmful to state-subsidized renewable energy than previously imagined."

Source: Greentech Media, 12/20/2019

Washington Rep. Matt Shea Helped Plan Malheur Takeover: State Report

"State Rep. Matt Shea planned and participated in domestic terrorism against the United States before and during the armed takeover at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, an investigation commissioned by the Washington state House found."

Source: Seattle Times, 12/20/2019


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