Environmental Politics

January 28, 2021

SciLine Media Briefing: Climate Essentials for 2021

With the election of new leadership in Washington, climate change has reemerged as a national policy priority. SciLine’s next media briefing, 2:00 PM ET, will get reporters up to speed on the science that will inform key climate-related decisions in the year ahead.


"Biden to Convene World Leaders to Talk Climate on Earth Day"

"The Biden administration is planning to host world leaders in a climate summit on Earth Day according to three people familiar with the matter, a sign of the new president’s commitment to not just rejoin the Paris carbon-cutting accord but also strengthen it.

The U.S.-hosted meeting on April 22 could be virtual, one of the people said, similar to a United Nation’s climate summit in December. That event featured six hours of remarks from world leaders, but they only offered incremental steps to combating climate change.

Source: Bloomberg, 01/25/2021

"Ex-DOJ Official Called ‘Radioactive’ After Alleged Election Plot"

"The Trump administration’s top environmental lawyer faces severe career repercussions and possibly ethics probes in the wake of allegations, which he disputes, that he worked with President Donald Trump to try to cast doubt on the 2020 election results."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 01/25/2021

Super-Heated Year Ahead on Energy & Environment News

The Biden administration has moved rapidly to reset energy and environment policies dramatically shifted by the Trump White House. But how quickly can such a reversal occur, what are the priorities and what are the critical pathways for change? To help sort out the latest news and track larger trends, SEJournal offers this overview and analysis, part of our extensive “2021 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment.”

SEJ Publication Types: 

“Environment, Social Justice, and the Media in the Age of the Anthropocene”

A case study in how journalists can center environmental news around social justice is at the heart of a new volume of scholarly essays reviewed in the latest BookShelf. While its tale of rural residents poisoned by contaminants is decades old, its lesson of what happens when power players bank on media acquiescence holds for stories of today.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Sharon Block, Union Ally, Named to White House Regulatory Post"

"President Joe Biden has installed Obama-era labor official Sharon Block as interim political leader of the White House regulatory review office—an agency she’s recently said needs a worker-oriented overhaul—multiple sources briefed on the appointment told Bloomberg Law."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 01/22/2021


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