Environmental Politics

"AP Fact Check: Biden Takes Half-Steps on Electric Vehicles"

"Eager to show benefits from his policies, President Joe Biden is overstating the number of electric vehicle charging stations that would be built with his infrastructure law and claiming a speedy shift to electric in the federal fleet that isn’t so."

Source: AP, 02/16/2022

"Greta Thunberg Condemns UK Firm’s Plans For Iron Mine On Sami Land"

"A British company has fallen foul of Greta Thunberg, Unesco, Sweden’s national church, and the indigenous people in the north of the country over plans for an open-pit mine on historical Sami reindeer-herding lands."

Source: Guardian, 02/14/2022

"Harris in NJ Points To Newark As Model For Lead Replacement"

"The success of New Jersey’s biggest city at replacing nearly 24,000 lead drinking water pipes can serve as a national model and shows why infrastructure spending is vital, Vice President Kamala Harris said Friday in Newark."

Source: AP, 02/14/2022


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