Environmental Politics

Obama Vows Disclosure of Toxic Fracking Secrets on Federal Land

Most current fracking operations happen on non-federal lands. But on federal lands, things are different — Obama intends to require disclosure of fluids as a condition of new leases for fracking on federal lands. If it takes place, this could push the ingredient lists further into the open.

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E-Mail: White House Ordered Scientists To Lowball BP Spill Rate Estimate

The e-mail pressuring agency scientists was written by USGS Director Marcia McNutt, and was never meant to be made public. Against strong agency resistance, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility forced disclosure of the e-mail with a Freedom-of-Information-Act lawsuit.

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Lejeune Secrecy May Have Caused Dead Marines

CDC's Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry has been investigating a Navy cover-up of cancer-causing drinking water at its Lejeune, NC, base. Now, Project on Government Oversight has released a January 5, 2012, letter from Marine Major General J.A. Kessler asking ATSDR to redact its report in the name of "force protection."

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Email: White House Pressured Scientists to Underestimate BP Spill Size

Is the press office helping or hurting journalists' efforts to get science stories right? Newly released email shows that White House and agency "communications people" pressured agency scientists to underestimate the amount of oil flowing into the Gulf during the 2010 BP oil spill. The case offers more evidence that press officers insist on sitting in on journalist-scientist interviews in order to insure the science gets a spin favorable to the administration's political goals. Now a watchdog group has filed a scientific integrity complaint against a NOAA scientist in the incident.

Source: Mother Jones, 01/25/2012
January 30, 2012 to February 1, 2012

Energy, Utility and Environment Conference (EUEC) 2012

EUEC 2012 is the 15th annual energy, utility and environment conference, making it the largest and longest running professional networking and educational event of its kind in the United States. Gina McCarthy's keynote address will include the EPA's new Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS).


"Dueling Solyndra Ads Foreshadow Energy-Centric Campaign"

"No signs of 'Solyndra fatigue' on the campaign front, while Obama's jobs council weighs in on a critical wind subsidy."

"How much political capital can Republican candidates and their aligned groups continue to squeeze out of Solyndra, the giant green stain on President Obama's first term?

It seems they're looking to find out, with a new ad campaign that aims to keep the failed clean energy investment in the forefront of voters' minds.

Source: InsideClimate News, 01/23/2012


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