Environmental Politics

September 13, 2023

Webinar: Federal and State Lobbying — Efforts to Influence by Energy and Environmental Interests

OpenSecrets invites journalists looking to add a money-in-politics angle to their stories to their Lobbying Data Masterclass Series. On Sep 13, 1:00 pm ET, they'll explore tools and unique datasets to empower journalists investigating political influence in the energy and environmental sector.


"A Scientist Manipulated Climate Data. Conservative Media Celebrated."

"A climate scientist ignited controversy Tuesday when he claimed that he withheld key details of his wildfire research to fit “preapproved narratives” on climate risks in order to be published in one of the world’s most esteemed science publications."

Source: E&E News, 09/08/2023

"African Leaders Call For New Global Taxes To Fund Climate Change Action"

"African leaders on Wednesday proposed new global taxes and reforms to international financial institutions to help fund climate change action in a declaration that will form the basis of their negotiating position at November's COP28 summit."

Source: Reuters, 09/07/2023

"Biden To Cancel ANWR Leases, Expand Arctic Drilling Protections"

"Nearly three years after the Trump administration sold the first-ever oil drilling rights in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the White House Wednesday canceled those leases in a huge blow to pro-oil Alaskans."

Source: E&E News, 09/07/2023

"Carbon Credit Market Confidence Ebbs As Big Names Retreat"

"Voluntary carbon markets have shrunk for the first time in at least seven years, as companies including food giant Nestle and fashion house Gucci reduced buying and studies found several forest protection projects did not deliver promised emissions savings."

Source: Reuters, 09/05/2023


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