Environmental Politics

"Heartland Associate Taught 'Biased' Climate Course at Ottawa Univ."

"An associate of the Heartland Institute, the thinktank devoted to discrediting climate change, taught a course at a top Canadian university that contained more than 140 false, biased and misleading claims about climate science, an expert audit has found."

Source: Guardian, 02/29/2012

Chevy Volt 'Punching Bag' as GOP Slams Obama on Green-Energy Subsidies

"Move over, Solyndra. Conservatives opposed to the Obama administration's spending on clean energy have a new whipping boy.

The electric Chevrolet Volt is the new focus of angry conservative blog posts, testy congressional hearings and joking videos. And Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich have taken shots at the car's puny sales and size, with Gingrich jeering, 'You can't put a gun rack on a Volt.'

Source: Greenwire, 02/29/2012

"Obama Administration Strengthens Environmental Justice Efforts"

"Federal agencies [Monday] released environmental justice strategies, implementation plans and progress reports, outlining steps they will take to protect communities facing serious health and environmental risks, particularly low-income, minority and tribal populations."

Source: ENS, 02/28/2012

"Lawyers Descend En Masse for Arguments on Greenhouse Gas Rules"

"If the importance and complexity of a court case can be established based on the number of lawyers at the lectern, then the battle over the Obama administration greenhouse gas regulations is of epic proportions. When the three interlinked cases are argued over two days at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit this week, no fewer than 18 different attorneys will advocate for their clients before the three-judge panel."

Source: Greenwire, 02/28/2012

"TransCanada Renewing Request to Build Keystone Pipeline"

"TransCanada said Monday that it would reapply for a permit to build the Keystone XL pipeline from Canadian oil sands formations in Alberta to refineries on the Gulf of Mexico, assuring that the fiercely contested project will remain a source of political heat throughout the presidential campaign.

Source: NY Times, 02/28/2012
March 7, 2012

Protecting China's Land: Hope for People and Nature

At this two-hour event in Washington, DC, which is co-sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson Center, the Environmental Law Institute, and the China Environment Forum, three speakers will delve into the status of land reforms and land protection in China.



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