Environmental Politics

"Heartland Faces a Mutiny Amid Furor Over Billboard Campaign"

"The Heartland Institute's failed billboard campaign attacking the existence of climate change is driving a surge of corporate donors to abandon the group and prompting a mutiny among its Washington-based staff, which is decamping for less volatile surroundings, according to sources."

Source: ClimateWire, 05/08/2012

"Gauging Public Opinion on Climate Change Policy"

"Majorities of Americans say that global warming and clean energy should be among the nation's priorities, according to a new survey. Will those feelings translate into any action in the government? Anthony Leiserowitz of the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication discusses the survey’s findings."

Ira Flatow interviews guest Anthony Leiserowitz of the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication on Science Friday May 4, 2012.


Source: Science Friday, 05/08/2012

"Fourteen Arrested Blocking BNSF Coal Train in White Rock"

"Fourteen Canadians were arrested for civil disobedience at 6 p.m. after sitting down on the tracks in front of an oncoming coal train in White Rock. Their vigil began at midnight, but Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) cancelled many of its scheduled runs in anticipation of the protest."

Source: Vancouver Sun, 05/07/2012

TransCanada Submits New Application for Keystone Pipeline

"TransCanada, the company behind the disputed Keystone XL pipeline, submitted a new application for the project to the State Department on Friday, as expected. The company will route the pipeline around the environmentally sensitive Sand Hills region of Nebraska, and the revised proposal starts a fresh clock on the environmental review process."

Source: NY Times, 05/07/2012

Heartland Pulls Billboard Comparing Warming Science to Mass Murder

"Drivers moving along Chicago’s inbound Eisenhower Expressway on Friday may have been surprised to see Ted Kaczynski, the so-called Unabomber, staring at them from a massive billboard. 'I still believe in global warming. Do you?' the billboard read in large maroon letters. Just below was the Web address www.heartland.org. Hours later, the digital billboard was gone. It seems that the ad campaign, sponsored by the conservative Heartland Institute, had bombed."

Source: Green (NYT), 05/07/2012

EPA E-Mails on Pollution Regs Show Agency Frustrated With White House

"An Aug. 30, 2011, e-mail exchange among Environmental Protection Agency officials, obtained by the Center for Progressive Reform under the Freedom of Information Act, provides a glimpse into how agency officials thought the White House failed to adequately capture their work on anti-pollution rules opposed by Republicans and industry officials."

Source: Wash Post, 05/04/2012


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