Environmental Health

"EPA Withdraws Cleanup Guidelines for Dioxin"

After 18 months of resistance from the White House Office of Management and Budget, the US EPA has withdrawn proposed guidelines for cleaning up dioxin-contaminated soil at polluted sites. EPA says other guidelines issued in the meanwhile made them unnecessesary. Environmental groups condemned the move and the chemical industry applauded it.

Source: Greenwire, 04/11/2012
April 18, 2012

Hydraulic Fracturing Risks and Opportunities

Winston & Strawn and Environmental Law Institute will co-host this seminar in Winston's New York office and via teleconference. The program will focus on both the environmental risks and the energy opportunities that result from the use of fracking to extract oil and gas, as well as the diverse perspectives and responses from the government, public interest, industry, and investment sectors to these risks and opportunities.


CA Finds Dangerous Chemicals in Nail Polish Advertised as Non-Toxic

"SAN FRANCISCO — Some nail polishes commonly found in California salons and advertised as free of a so-called 'toxic trio' of chemicals actually have high levels of agents known to cause birth defects, according to state chemical regulators.

A Department of Toxic Substances Control report to be released Tuesday determined that the mislabeled nail products have the potential to harm thousands of women who work in more than 48,000 nail salons in California, and their customers.

Source: AP, 04/10/2012

"Global Warming May Bring More Lyme Disease, Ticks"

"Darren Collins doesn't know life without Lyme disease. He was just 11 months old when he came home from Wisconsin's Mauthe Lake Campground pasty white, lethargic and running a fever of 105. Darren's flu-like illness eventually subsided, but a host of other troubling Lyme-related symptoms -- stomachaches, irritability and concentration problems -- have since plagued the boy, now 10."

Source: Huffington Post, 04/05/2012

Are Data Behind Companies' Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trade Secrets?

EPA's upcoming rulings on confidentiality for data going into the companies' GHG calculations will be important. Those determinations may impact whether companies' reporting is accurate — and whether they can ever be held accountable for their emissions.

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