"DDT’s Long Shadow: Long-Banned Chemicals Linked To Abnormal Sperm"
"A study of men from the Faroe Islands finds that high DDT and PCB exposure during adolescence and adulthood is associated with abnormal chromosomes in sperm".
"A study of men from the Faroe Islands finds that high DDT and PCB exposure during adolescence and adulthood is associated with abnormal chromosomes in sperm".
"Climate change has been blamed for many things over the years. Never, until now, has anyone thought it was possible to see it as a kind of contraceptive.:
EPA's conclusion that glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup (and the most widely used herbicide in the world) was not an endocrine disruptor was based largely on studies conducted by Monsanto. Independent studies found more health-related problems with glyphosate. Most pesticide registrations rely primarily on health studies paid for by companies.
"A six-month investigation finds that the revolving door between government and private industry has led the EPA to rely on potentially skewed research."
"Federal regulators on Friday proposed a zero-tolerance policy for food-borne residues of a pesticide widely used on edible crops nationwide, effectively ending its application to more than a dozen crops, including tree nuts, soybeans, corn, wheat, apples and citrus."
"Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a nasty disease."
The nonprofit SkyTruth, an innovator in applying map technology to environmental problems, offers an interactive version of an obscure federal database on abandoned coal mines. Also available, data from the Bureau of Land Management.
"In the past five years, lead poisoning has set at least 10,000 Cleveland area children on a potential path to failure before they've even finished kindergarten."
"Why is potassium bromate, a possible human carcinogen, still available in U.S. baked goods, despite being banned around the world?"