Environmental Health

"DEET Seen as Safe for Pregnant Women Despite Limited Studies"

"This summer, some yellow-fever mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus are expected to arrive along the Gulf Coast and elsewhere in the continental United States. Health officials are urging people to use insect repellents with DEET to avoid being bitten. The mounting evidence that the virus is strongly linked with birth defects makes this a priority for pregnant women. But is it safe to use repellents containing DEET with a baby on the way?"

Source: NY Times, 04/04/2016

Most Members of South Coast Pollution Board Live Where Air Is Cleaner

"As Southern California continues to battle the nation’s worst smog, most members of a powerful regional panel that enforces air pollution regulations can breathe relatively easily. Nine of the 13 members of the South Coast Air Quality Management District live close to the ocean in Los Angeles or Orange counties, where ozone, the hallmark pollutant of summer smog, exceeds federal health standards fewer than 10 days a year."

Source: Orange County Register, 04/04/2016

Avoiding A Future Crisis, Madison Removed Lead Water Pipes 15 Years Ago

"It was a controversial move when Madison, Wis., decided to replace all its lead pipes in 2001. But that decision put the city ahead of the curve — allowing it to avoid the lead water contamination that is plaguing cities like Flint, Mich., now."

Source: NPR, 04/01/2016


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