"Scott Pruitt’s Dirty Politics"
"How the Environmental Protection Agency became the fossil-fuel industry’s best friend."
"How the Environmental Protection Agency became the fossil-fuel industry’s best friend."
"Blood lead levels in Flint children are declining, according to a new study."
"An enforcement breakthrough a decade in the making was unveiled in December: Three manufacturers of a sooty oil-based product known as carbon black had agreed to slash air pollution by thousands of tons each year. But there was a twist."
"The Environmental Protection Agency is considering a major change to the way it assesses scientific work, a move that would severely restrict the research available to it when writing environmental regulations."
"The EPA will have a hard time meeting a congressional mandate to boost oversight of toxic chemicals stored near water supplies, several people who work in water policy told Bloomberg Environment."
"TRENTON, Mich. — State taxpayers will be on the hook for the clean up of old barrels holding toxic chemicals as well as contaminated soil discovered along the Detroit River at the site of the former Chrysler Corp. Trenton Chemical Plant, officials say."
"The dispersant chemicals used to clean up oil spills have the unintended effect of transforming crude oil into a toxic mist able to travel for miles and penetrate deep into human lungs, new research has found."
"A toxic onslaught from the nation's petrochemical hub was largely overshadowed by the record-shattering deluge of Hurricane Harvey as residents and first responders struggled to save lives and property."
"Robert Redfield, an HIV/AIDS researcher and clinician who has weathered his share of controversies over his long career, will soon become the next director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)."
"An overemphasis on blood testing and case management for even low exposures is draining resources and ignoring the real need: Removing lead paint."