"Protesters Keep Up The Fight Against U.S. Ecology Detroit Expansion"
"Some Detroit lawmakers and residents are keeping up the fight against the proposed expansion of a hazardous waste facility."
"Some Detroit lawmakers and residents are keeping up the fight against the proposed expansion of a hazardous waste facility."
"In just three years, the Trump administration has diminished the role of science in federal policymaking while halting or disrupting research projects nationwide, marking a transformation of the federal government whose effects, experts say, could reverberate for years."
"Michigan motorists were taken aback on Friday by an alarming image lurking just off the highway: a mysterious green liquid oozing from the walls of Interstate 696, spilling onto the road's shoulder."
"The U.S. is weighing in on Bayer AG ’s side in its appeal of the first, and so far only, federal jury verdict finding the company’s Roundup weed killer causes cancer."
"A coalition of states is heading to court to challenge the Trump administration’s repeal of the Obama-era Clean Water Rule, a landmark regulation aimed at clarifying federal water protections."
"A coalition of environmental groups is suing the Trump administration over its easing of chemical plant safety regulations following a recent plant explosion in Texas that injured several people."
"Louisiana’s Department of Environmental Quality has been accused of protecting the chemical industry it regulates. The agency is facing cutbacks as new plants are slated for communities that already have some of the country’s most toxic air."
"Fourteen oil and gas companies are funding a website that attacks scientists and undermines their work."
"Facing public pressure to rein in its pollution, a Japanese chemical manufacturer has instead launched an aggressive, years-long campaign to undermine the science showing that its compounds could cause cancer, according to newly released documents reviewed by the Guardian."
"EPA today proposed new restrictions on the use of the weedkiller atrazine, a widely used agricultural chemical. But environmentalists say EPA's plan weakens protections and would allow 50% more of the endocrine-disrupting herbicide linked to birth defects and cancer to end up in waterways."