Environmental Health

Trump Falsely Claims COVID Numbers Are 'Going Down Almost Everywhere'

"President Donald Trump falsely claimed Monday that the coronavirus is abating in the U.S., despite data showing that the virus is on the rise in some states and a lack of testing leaves experts unsure about infection rates elsewhere."

Source: NBC News, 05/13/2020

Oil Firms That Bought Back Stock Got $15.5 Million In Coronavirus Funds

"At least two oil and gas firms that boosted investors' portfolios by buying back stock in 2019 received $15.5 million this year from a program designed to rescue small businesses gutted by the coronavirus pandemic."

Source: Washington Post, 05/13/2020

"EPA's Independent Science Board, Critics Push For Stronger Lead Rule"

"The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposal to address lead in water isn’t as aggressive as it could be, the agency’s independent science advisers, as well as outside groups, said Monday."

Source: The Hill, 05/12/2020

Could Combined Sewer Overflows Be a COVID-19 Threat?

For reporters investigating the coronavirus-environment connection, you might look to the untreated sewage that can sometimes overflow municipal systems during wet weather, possibly bringing the novel pathogen to beaches and other places where people can get sick from it. The latest TipSheet takes a look at the reality, plus provides story ideas and reporter resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Pandemic Costs May Dry Up Ohio’s Plan to Fight Lake Erie Algae"

"The coronavirus pandemic is endangering a $900 million program that underpins Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine’s long-term strategy for shrinking the annual massive toxic algae blooms in Lake Erie’s western basin."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 05/11/2020

Critics Alarmed by NRC's Bid To Relax Rules On Radioactive Waste

"The federal agency providing oversight of the commercial nuclear sector is attempting to push through a rule change critics say could allow dangerous amounts of radioactive material to be disposed of in places like municipal landfills, with potentially serious consequences to human health and the environment."

Source: Guardian, 05/11/2020


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