Environmental Health

US Sets Covid-19 Death Record As Scientists Point To Asymptomatic Spread

"As the United States marked another grim milestone Thursday with more than 4,000 covid-19 deaths reported in a single day, federal disease trackers said research suggests that people without symptoms transmit more than half of all cases of the novel coronavirus."

Source: Washington Post, 01/08/2021

Is Wireless Technology an Environmental Health Risk?

As COVID-19 lockdowns push more people online and 5G technology continues its rapid expansion, should the question of whether electromagnetic radiation causes health and environmental injury be raised anew? Yes, argues an award-winning freelancer who herself suffers from electromagnetic hypersensitivity, and who musters suggestive scientific and medical research to make the case. Plus, sidebars on 5G and on taking personal precautions.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Chemicals: EPA Finds Possible Carcinogen Poses No Harm To Public"

"EPA marked the last day of 2020 with a controversial announcement, finding few unreasonable risks associated with a common chemical solvent classified as a likely carcinogen. In its final risk evaluation for 1,4-dioxane, EPA determined no unreasonable risks exist for the environment, consumers and bystanders, or the general population."

Source: E&E News, 01/05/2021

"EPA Finalizes Rule To Limit Science Behind Public Health Safeguards"

"The Environmental Protection Agency has finalized a rule to limit what research it can use to craft public health protections, a move opponents argue is aimed at crippling the agency’s ability to more aggressively regulate the nation’s air and water."

Source: Washington Post, 01/05/2021

"DuPont Loses Bid for Mistrial After $50 Million PFAS Verdict"

"The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio on Thursday denied DuPont’s request to declare a mistrial after a jury in March sided with cancer survivor Travis Abbott and his wife, Julie, awarding them damages for exposure to a type of PFAS the company produced at a facility along the Ohio River."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 01/04/2021

Warnock Brings a History of Black Faith Leaders’ Environmental Activism

"Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.  served as pastor and his funeral was held, has been a leader in a growing movement among American Black churches to embrace environmental activism."

Source: Inside Climate News, 12/31/2020


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