Fungal Disease Spreading Fast In US. A Hotter Climate Could Be To Blame.
"A potentially fatal pathogen called Candida auris has adapted to cross the “temperature barrier” into humans, causing cases to jump by 1,200 percent since 2017."
"A potentially fatal pathogen called Candida auris has adapted to cross the “temperature barrier” into humans, causing cases to jump by 1,200 percent since 2017."
"Big-business lobbyists, including big agricultural and construction groups, are pushing to water down or stymie efforts at the federal and state levels to implement workplace heat protection standards."
"Congressional Republicans are seething about the Biden administration’s plans to change how the government reviews major energy infrastructure projects ranging from oil and gas pipelines to solar installations."
"As Denver neared triple-digit temperatures, Ben Gallegos sat shirtless on his porch swatting flies off his legs and spritzing himself with a misting fan to try to get through the heat. Gallegos, like many in the nation’s poorest neighborhoods, doesn’t have air conditioning."
"Residents of the U.S. and other countries, cranking up their air conditioners, are helping to set records for consumption of fuels contributing to climate change".
"Southeast Asian nations are gearing up to tackle the threat of a tougher-than-usual "haze" season together, as the El Nino climate phenomenon raises the risk of soaring temperatures."
"As many as 450,000 Americans may be living with alpha-gal syndrome, a meat allergy that has been linked to tick bites, with many of those people going undiagnosed, according to two new studies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."
"Senate appropriators approved legislation Thursday morning for agencies paramount to President Joe Biden’s climate and environmental justice priorities."
"President Biden directly linked recent record heat waves with climate change on Thursday and announced new measures aimed at helping communities endure extreme weather, as rising temperatures scorch much of the country and amplify alarms about global warming."
"Twenty-two attorneys general urged a federal court Wednesday to reject a proposed $10.3 billion settlement over contamination of U.S. public drinking water systems with potentially dangerous chemicals, saying it lets manufacturer 3M Co. off too easily."