"Find Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on Google Maps"
"Charging up electric vehicles on the road is easier and more convenient now that Google has started adding charging station locations to the Google Maps platform."
"Charging up electric vehicles on the road is easier and more convenient now that Google has started adding charging station locations to the Google Maps platform."
As a quake-stricken Japanese nuclear plant continues to spew radiation into the environment, journalists and people across the world are getting an unwelcome lesson in how secrecy can threaten people's health and safety. A New York Times team finally on March 16 did the story on the withholding of information. Read their coverage, as well as others.
"Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced plans Tuesday to auction off vast coal reserves in Wyoming over the next five months, unleashing a significant but controversial power source amid uncertainty about clean and safe energy development."
"The birth of the 'nuclear renaissance' and proposed construction of up to 100 new nuclear reactors in the United States will be crippled by the crisis in Japan as regulators struggle to incorporate 'lessons learned' into the country's existing nuclear fleet, a former member of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said [Friday]."
"QUEBEC – Nathalie Normandeau, Quebec’s natural resources minister, announced Wednesday that the Quebec government would no longer authorize any hydraulic fracturing operations in the province."
Here you'll find links to Japanese News Agencies; International News Sources; International and National Nuclear Agencies; Nuclear Industry Trade Groups; and Environmental, Anti-Nuclear, and Scientists' Groups
Will the newly budget-conscious GOP-dominated 112th Congress fund all the nuclear loan guarantees currently available or in the pipeline? Signals from the Obama administration — even after the Japan meltdown — are that it will push forward with its nuclear plans, despite budget deficits and safety perils.