Energy & Fuel

EPA To Revise Climate Rule for New Power Plants, Require Carbon Capture

"This month, the Environmental Protection Agency will propose standards that will establish stricter pollution limits for gas-fired power plants than coal-fired power plants, according to individuals who were briefed on the matter but asked not to be identified because the rule was not public yet."

Source: Wash Post, 09/12/2013

Pennsylvania Blocks Report Criticizing Shale Gas

Under law, Pennsylvania was supposed to publish a report outlining climate change impacts on the state by Spring 2012. But the Department of Environmental Protection says it is still being reviewed, and nobody will say when it might be published.

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Topics on the Beat: 

"Microgrids: Sandy Forced Cities to Rethink Power Supply"

"Hurricane Sandy and the havoc it wreaked on New York City and the rest of the Northeast in 2012 could prove to be a turning point in how people think about the way electricity is produced and distributed, particularly in storm-prone areas, with some states and cities starting to turn to what are known as microgrids."

Source: Climate Central, 09/11/2013

"Imagining a Cyberattack on the Power Grid"

"WASHINGTON — It’s electrifying. Iran and Venezuela want to destroy the United States, so they conspire with a rogue Russian spy to launch a cyberattack on the North American power grid, beginning by electrocuting a lineman in North Dakota. Their main obstacle is a small-town sheriff in the state’s badlands, Nate Osborne, a former Marine Corps lieutenant in Afghanistan whose titanium leg ultimately saves the day."

Source: NY Times, 09/11/2013

New Report Ranks Biggest Polluters In U.S. By Greenhouse Gas Emissions

"If the 50 dirtiest power plants in the United States were their own sovereign country, they would qualify as the seventh-biggest polluter in the world, according to a new report released on Tuesday. Those power plants alone emit more than all of South Korea or Canada."

Source: Huffington Post, 09/11/2013

USFS Set To Decide on Fracking In George Washington National Forest

"George Washington National Forest is more than just one of the largest expanses of pristine land in the East. It’s the leafy cradle of the Shenandoah, James and Potomac rivers, a source of drinking water for millions of people in greater Washington."

Source: Wash Post, 09/09/2013


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