"Coal Ash Unmonitored in Fill Sites Across N.C."
"Coal ash, infamous for its recent splash into the Dan River, also lies along Charlotte’s outerbelt."
"Coal ash, infamous for its recent splash into the Dan River, also lies along Charlotte’s outerbelt."
"The Koch brothers and large utilities have allied to reverse state policies that favor renewable energy. Environmentalists are pushing back, but the fight is spreading and intensifying."
"The State Department will delay its decision on construction of the Keystone XL pipeline until it has a clearer idea of how legal challenges to the pipeline’s route through Nebraska will be settled, State Department officials said Friday."
"Long before the Energy Department lost $68 million on Abound Solar, a manufacturer that went bankrupt two years ago, it should have known that the company’s chance of repaying the loan it had guaranteed was deteriorating, according to a report by the department’s inspector general."
"The Environmental Protection Agency said it will delay for a month issuing a rule to shield fish from being killed when electric utilities and factories use water for cooling machinery."
"In 1997, Toyota caught its competitors by surprise with the revolutionary Prius, the first commercially successful gasoline-electric hybrid car. Now, the Japanese firm is trying to do the same with a technology that seems straight out of science fiction."
"On Tuesday night, BP said that the 'active cleanup' of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill had been brought 'to a close.' Later Tuesday night, the Coast Guard said the response to the spill isn’t over yet, 'not by a long shot.'"
"Louisiana's coast is disappearing at the rate of about a football field an hour. Since the 1930s, the Gulf of Mexico has swallowed up an area the size of Delaware."
"Oilfields are spinning off thousands of tons of low-level radioactive trash as the U.S. drilling boom leads to a surge in illegal dumping and states debate how much landfills can safely take."
"WASHINGTON -- Last year, the U.S. wind energy industry chalked up a record number of projects and generating capacity under construction. By year end, private corporations invested billions of dollars, and new records for generation were set in many locations, according to the U.S. Wind Industry Annual Market Report Year Ending 2013, released Thursday by the American Wind Energy Association, AWEA."