Energy & Fuel

"Fla. Ballot Measure Could Halt Rooftop Solar, But Do Voters Know That?"

"Floridians will vote on a constitutional amendment that is couched in pro-solar power language but would actually give utilities, which are funding the ballot measure, more power to block rooftop solar development in the Sunshine State."

Source: InsideClimate News, 10/21/2016

"In Colorado, a Ballot Measure to End All Anti-Fracking Ballot Measures"

"Funded largely by the oil and gas industry, Amendment 71 would put big hurdles in Colorado's relatively easy path to changing its state constitution".

"In the wake of helping defeat two recent ballot measures that could have reined in fracking in Colorado, the state's oil and gas industry is leading a campaign to sharply limit future citizen initiatives.

Source: InsideClimate News, 10/20/2016

SEJ Objects To Prosecution of Pipeline Journalists

The Society of Environmental Journalists has written law enforcement officials at the state and federal levels, objecting to prosecution of journalists who have been covering protests against the Dakota Access Pipe Line and other pipelines. The text of the letter, sent October 19, 2016, is here.

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