Energy & Fuel

"Departed Interior Official Led Alaska Mining Road Review"

"A former Interior Department official who abruptly resigned last month personally expedited environmental review for a 211-mile private road project across federal land that would open up a vast new copper, gold and precious metals mining district near a national park in northern Alaska, according to a company seeking to mine there."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 09/05/2019

“Superpower: One Man’s Quest to Transform American Energy”

The new book, “Superpower: One Man’s Quest to Transform American Energy,” takes what our reviewer calls an illuminating look into the politics and economics of energy development. The volume examines the decade-long effort to build long-distance transmission lines for wind-generated electricity. More in our latest BookShelf review.

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"Sick And Dying Workers Demand Help After Cleaning Coal Ash"

"The Tennessee Valley Authority, long respected for providing good jobs and cheap electricity, is facing a growing backlash over its handling of a massive coal ash spill a decade ago, with potentially serious consequences for an industry often opposed to environmental regulation."

Source: AP, 08/30/2019

"Trump’s Methane Rule Rollback Divides Oil and Gas Industry"

"Oil and gas producers might have been expected to welcome a decision to loosen regulations affecting their business. But their reaction to the Trump administration’s move to roll back methane-emissions rules revealed at least tactical divisions on climate policy."

Source: NY Times, 08/30/2019

"E.P.A. to Roll Back Regulations on Methane, a Potent Greenhouse Gas"

"The Trump administration is set to announce on Thursday that it intends to sharply curtail the regulation of methane emissions, a major contributor to climate change, according to an industry official with knowledge of the plan."

Source: NY Times, 08/29/2019


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