Fossil Fuel Giants Claim To Support Science, Yet Still Fund Denial
"Fourteen oil and gas companies are funding a website that attacks scientists and undermines their work."
"Fourteen oil and gas companies are funding a website that attacks scientists and undermines their work."
"A new study says the wider use of heat pumps for heating and cooling homes and buildings could sharply reduce global fossil fuel emissions, but the solution has received relatively little policy support from governments, and its advantages are poorly understood by consumers."
"Democrats this week had their best shot thus far to address climate change in the 116th Congress, but they walked away with a mixed bag."
"House Democrats introduced sweeping climate legislation Tuesday that would halt fossil fuel production on public lands for at least a year as the nation prepares to drastically cut climate-warming pollution from its own land holdings."
"LONDON - Shipping associations have proposed creating a research fund with $5 billion raised by the industry to develop technology to help the sector meet U.N. targets on cutting emissions."
"As his coal mining company hurtled into bankruptcy, Robert E. Murray, the former chief executive, paid himself $14 million, handed his successor a $4 million bonus and earmarked nearly $1 million for casting doubt on man-made climate change, new court filings show."
"The first satellite designed to continuously monitor the planet for methane leaks made a startling discovery last year: A little known gas-well accident at an Ohio fracking site was in fact one of the largest methane leaks ever recorded in the United States."
"Goldman Sachs Group Inc. will not finance oil and gas drilling in the Arctic, including the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), the firm disclosed in new policy guidelines yesterday."
"Coal consumption is set to rise in the coming years as growing demand for electricity in developing countries outpaces a shift to cleaner sources of electricity in industrialized nations."
"The Trump administration's support for oil development in Alaska's North Slope could have dramatic climate impacts, even if top brass doesn't upend current Obama-era restrictions on fossil fuel development."