Energy & Fuel

Banks Pledge Climate Fight, But Their Boards Have Deep Fossil-Fuel Ties

"US banks are pledging to help fight the climate crisis alongside the Biden administration, but their boards are dominated by people with climate-related conflicts of interest, and they continue to invest deeply in fossil fuel projects."

Source: Guardian, 04/08/2021

Groups Petition EPA To Remove Ethane, Methane From Emissions Exempt List

"Hundreds of environmental groups on Tuesday submitted a petition calling on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to take action to curtail ethane and methane emissions responsible for smog."

Source: The Hill, 04/07/2021

"EPA Chief Vows Tougher Tailpipe Rules by July, Unwinding Trump’s"

"The Biden administration is on track to propose by the end of July new limits on the emission of greenhouse gases from automobiles that are strong enough to meet “the urgency of the climate crisis,” according to EPA Administrator Michael Regan."

Source: Bloomberg, 04/07/2021

"More U.S. Coal Power Retired Under Trump Than in Obama's Second Term"

"Remember all of Donald Trump’s promises to put coal miners back to work? Turns out, his repeated attacks on the environment to try and bail out dirty fuels were all for naught. More coal-fired power was taken off the grid under Trump’s presidency than under former President Barack Obama’s second term, a new analysis from Global Energy Monitor shows."

Source: Earther, 04/06/2021


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