
Who Will Pay the Price for Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill? It's Complex

"As the price tag for what could be the modern world's largest man-made oil spill continues to mount, navigating the complex path towards determining who will foot the bills resulting from the Deepwater Horizon accident could become as difficult as avoiding the oil plume in the Gulf of Mexico."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 05/24/2010

"Despite Obama’s Moratorium, Drilling Projects Move Ahead"

"In the days since President Obama announced a moratorium on permits for drilling new offshore oil wells and a halt to a controversial type of environmental waiver that was given to the Deepwater Horizon rig, at least seven new permits for various types of drilling and five environmental waivers have been granted, according to records."

Source: NYTimes, 05/24/2010

USCG and BP Threaten Journalists With Arrest for Documenting Oil Spill

A CBS News crew captured on video orders from BP contractors and US Coast Guard officials to stop filming environmental damage from the BP-owned oil fouling Louisiana beaches and coastal wetlands. The Coast Guard denied that it or BP has rules prohibiting coverage.

Source: Mother Nature Network, 05/21/2010


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