
Green Burial Not Just Throwing Ashes on Compost Heap

Chance research on the concept of green burials leads one freelancer not just to a years-long writing project, but to a more intimate encounter with the growing practice. In this essay, Ann Hoffner shares her first-hand experience with green burials and the deeper meaning she discovers in them, as well as one tender goodbye in a quiet wood.

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Environment Is on the Ballot in Election 2016

While issues like climate change have gained little traction in the presidential race, environmental topics are playing a clearer role in some congressional contests, as well in statehouse and local elections. At the same time, a number of controversial ballot initiatives are tackling environmental topics ranging from plastic bag bans to solar energy. Get info and resources in our Election 2016 Issue Backgrounder. 

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"Environmentalists: Your TV Uses More Electricity Than You Think"

"An environmental group on Wednesday accused three major TV manufacturers of misleading consumers and regulators about how much energy high-definition screens devour, alleging that the televisions were designed to perform more efficiently during government testing than in ordinary use."

Source: AP, 09/22/2016


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