
Explosive Levels Of Methane Detected Near Berkeley Landfill-Turned-Park

"Brimming with wildlife and offering panoramic views of San Francisco Bay, César Chávez Park welcomes visitors who might never suspect this stretch of shoreline was built atop a municipal landfill. But beneath the sprawling grasslands and charming hiking trails, decomposing waste continues to generate methane gas."

Source: LA Times, 04/18/2024

EPA Has Done Nearly All It Can To Clean Up This Town. It Hasn’t Worked.

"Despite years of air monitoring, inspections and millions in penalties for petrochemical plants, the air in Calvert City, Kentucky, remains polluted. The EPA’s inability to fix it is an indictment of the laws governing clean air, experts say."

Source: ProPublica, 04/16/2024

"Utilities Brace for Costs of Compliance With New PFAS Water Rule"

"Water utilities will face costly challenges meeting the EPA’s new limits on PFAS in drinking water, making litigation nearly inevitable, lawyers and analysts say."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 04/15/2024

"An Iowa Fertilizer Plant Purchase Spurs Antitrust Concerns"

"Koch Industries is making a multi-billion-dollar play to purchase a massive fertilizer production facility in the state; some farmers and lawmakers are raising concerns about monopolization and high prices in an effort to halt the sale."

Source: Civil Eats, 04/12/2024

"How The Essential, Dirty Steel Industry Is Going Green"

The United States is suddenly on the very cusp of a ​“green steel” transition. New solutions are emerging that could offer a cleaner path to producing the high-strength metal. Most likely, they’ll involve using hydrogen to process iron ore for steelmaking.

Source: Canary Media, 04/11/2024

Trump Appointees Barred EPA Staff From Warning Senate About PFAS Loophole

"Trump administration officials barred experts from warning legislators that they were about to write a major environmental loophole into law, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) staffers alleged in newly revealed internal communications."

Source: The Hill, 04/11/2024

EPA Sets First-Ever Limits On ‘Forever Chemicals’ In Drinking Water

"The Biden administration on Wednesday finalized strict limits on certain so-called “forever chemicals” in drinking water that will require utilities to reduce them to the lowest level they can be reliably measured. Officials say this will reduce exposure for 100 million people and help prevent thousands of illnesses, including cancers."

Source: AP, 04/11/2024

"Lithium Companies Fight Over Water in the Arid Great Basin"

"In the Nevada valley that is one of the most significant domestic sources of a key element for the energy transition, one company controls the groundwater needed to mine it, another is fighting for a share of it and others are lining up at the tap."

Source: Inside Climate News, 04/10/2024


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