This conference aims to bring together individuals with diverse experience to share knowledge that will speed the development and growth of a sector that is vital for value creation and sustainable industrial development.
"The announcement by China-based Suntech reflects the value of federal and state incentives for renewable energy. It also counters a favorite argument on Capitol Hill that shifting to a clean energy future will send U.S. jobs overseas."
Witnesses at a House Energy Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection hearing in February said excessive and unjustified claims of "confidential business information" dampen EPA's efforts to regulate commonly used chemicals.
Watch for the National Academies to release more climate change and energy reports this month, on alternative liquid transportation fuels, energy efficiency, renewables and economic impacts of greenhouse gas mitigation.
A recent CERES/Pacific Institute report identifies water-related risks specific to eight key industries, and offers good sources on calculating and using water footprints.
Bike sharing programs are becoming an increasingly popular way to provide affordable transportation that requires less energy, while boosting various sectors of the economy.
A US House Oversight Committee report released in January 2009 found that federal agencies frequently ignore the findings and recommendations of their inspectors general.