
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

Opponents of Mid-Atlantic Pipeline Strategize in Wake of Election

"NATURAL BRIDGE, Va.— In the Natural Bridge Hotel lobby before a pipeline summit in opposition to two planned fracked-gas pipelines, two words could be heard in almost every conversation: 'Trump' and 'election.'"

Source: Daily Climate, 11/18/2016

"Tests Show Monsanto Weed Killer in Cheerios, Other Popular Foods"

"Independent testing on an array of popular American food products found many samples contained residue levels of the weed killer called glyphosate, leading the nonprofit organization behind the testing to call for corporate and regulatory action to address consumer safety concerns."

Source: USRTK/Huffington Post, 11/16/2016

Corps Says Pipeline Construction Can't Continue Without Tribe Input

"The Army Corps of Engineers dealt a blow to the progress of the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline on Monday, saying in a letter that more analysis and discussion with the Standing Rock Sioux tribe is needed before construction can take place under the Missouri River."

Source: NBC News, 11/15/2016


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