
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

"Revealed: FBI and Police Monitoring Oregon Anti-Pipeline Activists"

"Law enforcement groups, including the FBI, have been monitoring opponents of a natural gas infrastructure project in Oregon and circulated intelligence to an email list that included a Republican-aligned anti-environmental PR operative, emails obtained by the Guardian show."

Source: Guardian, 08/09/2019

"‘Trumpian’ BLM Chief Expected to Open Development Floodgates"

"The Bureau of Land Management is about to open public lands to oil, gas, mining, and road construction as an outspoken opponent of federal land ownership takes the helm of the agency, former Interior Department officials and advocacy groups said July 30."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 07/31/2019

Bikes Make Path for Local Environment Stories

When it comes to bringing environmental stories home to your audience, don’t soft-pedal the topic of bicycling. Bikes are a way in to the issue of climate, as well as health and infrastructure. The most recent TipSheet has more on why you can ride the bike beat for your local reporting

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Ex-BLM Chiefs Say Interior Is Moving to Transfer Land to States"

"Two former Bureau of Land Management directors say plans to move the agency’s headquarters to Colorado are an early step toward abolishing the entire agency and transferring millions of acres of federal land to the states."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 07/22/2019


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